Archive for March, 2007

Get Unshelved!

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Unshelved is a great personal motivation tool for librarians.

Bill Barnes collaborates with Gene Ambaum to add levity to the use and misuse of library materials through email comic strips.  OK, maybe some societal commentary slips in too!  Reading my Unshelved laugh for the day validates the importance of library work.  Personally, email delivery also provides a strange continuity, as I have begun to miss those daily inspirational quotations from my Drexel University Inbox while pursuing my MSLIS degree. 

Overdue Media is using Unshelved to market libraries.  Join in the marketing effort and subscribe to a steady dose of library humor!

BTW- These guys get around.  Here’s Bill Barnes personally stepping into the real world of librarians at the American Libraries Association MidWinter Meeting 2007 with you know who.

Bill Barnes at ALA MidWinter Meeting 2007